This a screenshot of the custom editorial page we created for the Comcast client. It featured the latest information of the Mexican Soccer team during its participation in South Africa's 2010 World Cup. The section also featured blogs and an area for Univision's users to send in their questions for to their favorite Mexican athletes during the tournament.
A custom trivia was also created as part of the editorial plan to keep user engagement high. The results: Comcast’s Sueño Mexicano was the 2nd biggest client-owned section within Univision's World Cup coverage
A mobile website was also developed for this project. The wap site mirrored the online extension featuring the trivia, blogs and articles about the Mexican Team during the tournament. Additionally, the wap site also hosted video alerts created from South Africa.
A video alert club supported the mobile experience by keeping subscriber's current with the latest news of the Mexican Team during South Africa's World Cup.
The wap site also included a click-to-call feature which provided Univision's customers a direct link to Comcast's offers.

El Sueño Mexicano or, Mexican Dream, was an editorial section created for Comcast during the World Cup. We followed the team in South Africa with exclusive interviews with the soccer stars during practices, after the games and at the hotel. Behind the scenes footage: what you didn't see on TV.

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Ray Gonzalez
Experienced Marketing Progessional Hollywood, FL