This was Univision's first commercial project under their Social Media brand "MiPágina" (my page). The campaign was aimed to create awareness and influence Univision's audience about the core values of The Army. The results were amazing: 35K page views to MiPágina Army group page with 150+ members. Average time spent on minisite 1:58; Total number of essays submitted: 400+ In fact, this campaign was included in an IAB whitepaper: Platform Status Report: USER GENERATED CONTENT, SOCIAL MEDIA, AND ADVERTISING.
Screenshot of the Army minisite. The online destination featured relevant content on Army's ROTC program; trivias, and; links back to "Mi Pagina" Army's profile page.
The minisite featured the story of the Morales family and how the Army gave them the chance to help one of their family members through the ROTC program.
The site hosted videos.
It also hosted information pertaining to the Army choices of enrollment. And a direct link to

This was my first commercial project which included a Social Media component. It was a promotion in collaboration with and The Army back in Q4 2007. The campaign was aimed to create awareness and influence Univision's audience about the core values of The Army. The results were amazing: 0.13%CTR; 30K+ pageviews to the army minisite; Average time spent on minisite 1:58; 35K page views to Mi Página Army group page with 150+ members.

In fact, this campaign was included in an IAB whitepaper:

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Ray Gonzalez
Experienced Marketing Progessional Hollywood, FL