Terraviva Domestic Composter - Compact domestic Composter, designed to help the reduction of organic household discarded garbage and, at the same time, provide organic material for fertilizer in small gardens and pots. Projected for people with age between 20 and 60 years who value the welfare of the environment, quality of life, issues of sustainability and have an appeal for technological products. Compact domestic product, with technological and economical identity, practical in use and in maintenance
Terraviva - Composteira Doméstica - Domestic Composter Conceito: Composteira para resíduos vegetais, com intuito de reduzir o lixo doméstico descartado e ao mesmo tempo proporcionar material orgânico para adubo em pequenos jardins e vasos em residências e apartamentos. Voltado a pessoas que se preocupam com o meio ambiente, aspectos de sustentabilidade e produtos de apelo tecnológico.
Terraviva Domestic Composter - Compact domestic Composter, designed to help the reduction of organic household discarded garbage and, at the same time, provide organic material for fertilizer in small gardens and pots. Projected for people with age between 20 and 60 years who value the welfare of the environment, quality of life, issues of sustainability and have an appeal for technological products. Compact domestic product, with technological and economical identity, practical in use and in maintenance
Model construction
Model construction
Functional model finalized
Terraviva Domestic Composter
Ravel Casela
Designer de Produto na Get Móveis e Displays Curitiba, Brazil