Knowlege Cloud - Augmented Internet Navigation Knowledge Cloud presents Internet searchers with Particles of meta-information represented search engine query results. Particles are arranged within a 3D space on an X-Y-Z axis by a varied of criteria definable by the the searcher. These criteria include degree of match to search terms, author, topic, date of publication and any other variety of information which can be gleaned from a web document by content analysis software.
Knowledge Particle - The Knowledge Particle is the primary interface for the Knowledge Cloud concept. The Particle presents meta-information (information about information) of electronic documents graphically, saving the searcher from spending unnecessary time determining the quality of content from the Internet.
Infant Seat - Patient Positioning X-ray examinations can be a trying experience, for infants they are even more so. Getting an infant to sit still for the time necessary to set up and take the x-ray is next to impossible and technicians often resort to tying the child down. A positioning system the uses infant car seats and toys as inspiration can add an element of familiarity and comfort to the otherwise sterile and threatening environment of the x-ray lab.
Seedling - Liberating the radio from the clamshell
Pico - An exploration in low-power lighting for back-country use