Notebook Covers - This is some notebook covers I made as a promotional device for another person in my class. She loves sewing so I hand made them all. This one is a monkey because it is the Chinese year she was born in and reflects her culture.
Promotional Device - This on has a travel theme as she loves travel and has moved to New Zealand from China. All the quotes are Buddhist and reflects her religion.
Promotional Device - This on reflects her as a person. She loves the colour purple and is very girly.
All three - I tried to make the not to gender specific, being promotional devices. The purple one is more feminine while the monkey one is more masculine and the travel one general.
Cover - Monkey themed notebook cover!!
Cover - Travel themed notebook cover.
Cover - Personal themed one!
Promotional Device - Notebook Covers
Alexandra Longbottom
Alexandra Longbottom North Shore, New Zealand