My Paint Portrait

I used multiple tools such as the blending tool, clone stamp tool, eraser tool, paint brush tool, gradient tool and many other techniques to put this piece of art together. this is based of an actual image of my self.The tools I used for my self portrait project consisted of mostly the mixer brush tool and the brush tool. I also used the eraser to to sharpen out the edges and the gradient tool for the background. My attitude was serious in this project. the reason I chose this was because I really don't like smiling I always have a serious face, but in reality I'm a goofy person. In this portrait I showed my chill part of my personality. I'm a very creative and when I get serious with my work I do a great job. I am very sociable and this may be a problem for me, but I try to work it out. Ball is life.

Randall Lopez
Ilustration New York, NY