My Block

The artist my project was inspired by is Romare Bearden. For this project we used several nondestructive methods. I used a layer mask to put Eddie Murphy in the window, the layer mask works by put in a layer on top of the original image so that you can draw on top of it or even draw through it. I used a gradient fill layer on the background to give it a nice color. Another nondestructive technique I used was adjustment layer; adjustment layer changes the value or color of an object. I live in Bushwick. This reflects my neighborhood because I live in an area full of apartments and buildings. People are usually home and that is why my block is usually empty. My favorite part of this assignment was making the buildings because I enjoyed changing the values and shapes to make the buildings look stylized. I believe I reached all the requirements for this project because I followed all the rules and details that are shown in the rubric.

Randall Lopez
Ilustration New York, NY