Final product.
Penciling the leaves and roots to obtain an idea where to burn.
Penciling and burning the font and letter placement.
Attempting to gauge distance of lettering and how much of the tree should overlap.
5. Family Tree Pyrographic

Family Tree
Created: February 2015
Type of Piece: Class Project
Role: Lead Designer
Media: Soldering Iron on wood board

This was a pro-bono piece that was for a disable veteran. This is a pyro-graphic… “the art of decorating wood or other materials with burn marks resulting from the controlled application of a heated object such as a soldering Iron”. The veteran printed a quote and asked for it to be burnt on wood with a tree in the background. I am just learning the art of pyrography and this was my third piece. It took around 10 to 12 hours, broken up in an hour or two of burning per day; if time allowed due to prior military obligations.

Rafael Rodriguez
Freelance Artist, Web Designer, and Domestic Engineer Sumter, SC