Alianca Medica - E-Mail Template This is the final product Next picture is the "original" one
Alianca Medica - E-Mail Template This is the original one
Aliança Medica (Medical Aliance) - Email Template for " Request more information about the doctor"
Alianca Medica (Medical Aliance) Email Template for "Second doctor opinion appointment information"
Alianca Medica (Medical Aliance) Email Template for "Apointment Info"
User Interface - E-mail Template

Here's another "before and after" that I had to do a lot of research to understand the audience.

This is a platform to connect doctors and patients remotely and in person. They (both doctors and patients) search for a second opinion of a diagnostic or treatment, they can connect via video chat or in person. The audience could be from a young person to a old doctor, having or not experience on the digital world and APPs.

The idea was to make something easy to read, visually undestandable, responsive and clear.
I uploaded here the "before" screen, for you to have an idea of what I found and what I left :)

I also uploaded all the other templates, because that's what the project was about.

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Freelance, Moonlighting
Rafael Lacerda
UX Consultant / UI Designer São Paulo, Brazil