Hallmark Storefront. Fireplace beams leads the eye into the store. The sharp and dark interior makes it feel masculine and sophisticated to appeal to a male market rather than female.
Sound Card Area on the right; allows people to choose what song they want in their card, including an mp3 player attachment so people can choose a custom song.
Writing Lounge and Fireplace; lounge is for people to sit and write in their cards before they mail them. Biscotti and coffee samples are served to the people who use the lounge as a form of hospitality
Card Creation Area; area where people can sit down and create their own cards using the die cutter and printer kiosk. The inspiration wall is made of bulletin board cubes that people can pin up their ideas with. It serves as a divider to make the people in this area feel more private.
Point-of-Sale and Mailing Area; saves the costumer a trip to the post office by paying for postage in the store and leaving their items there to be mailed for them.
Hallmark Re-image Project

Revive a dead or struggling brand by designing a brick and mortar store that can't be outdone by shopping websites such as Amazon.

Rachel Raymond
Design Intern at Hy-Ko Products Company Cleveland, OH