App Design, Take 10

Brief: Redesign visual direction of existing Take Ten App to match brand identity. Redesign app logo, page layout, and increase user functionality and benefit.

Design Strategy: I developed the front end of the Take Ten app using aspirational brand photography and contemporary type treatment and layout. I worked with back-end developer, Jay Kerr to ensure that the app functioned as an accessible and educational tool that could assist all folx in packing wisely and safely for outdoor excursions.

Pro-Tip: Do you know the Ten Essentials for staying safe in wilderness? No, you say? Well consider downloading the handy Take Ten app!


Client: Columbia Sportswear

Shouts: The inimitable Jay Kerr was the backend developer, copy-writer, and real life mountain man wilderness expert on this project!

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Freelance, Moonlighting
Rachel Delmotte
Art Director and Graphic Designer Portland, OR