My concept art piece for Pandora's Box created entirely on Photoshop. I did it in an illustrative style and it was made to look like a book cover. Software used: Photoshop
This is my asset sheet for my creation of Pandora's Box. I placed the rendered images from Maya into a Photoshop document and placed my concept art behind it. Software used: Maya + Photoshop
This is a scene I created at university based on a concept art project. The idea was to create a narrative and create a piece based on said narrative. My narrative had the theme of danger and mystery and this is the piece of work I produced for it. Software Used: Photoshop
This is a poster I created for my artwork in our college shop, trying to promote my product and the shop itself. Software used: Illustrator
Cell 1 of the 'How to rob a bank' manual as part of the Cops and Robbers project. Software used: Illustrator
Cell 2 of the 'How to rob a bank' manual as part of the Cops and Robbers project. Software used: Illustrator
Cell 3 of the 'How to rob a bank' manual as part of the Cops and Robbers project. Software used: Illustrator
Cell 4 of the 'How to rob a bank' manual as part of the Cops and Robbers project. Software used: Illustrator
Cell 5 of the 'How to rob a bank' manual as part of the Cops and Robbers project. Software used: Illustrator
Cell 6 of the 'How to rob a bank' manual as part of the Cops and Robbers project. Software used: Illustrator
One of the robbers I created as part of the Cops and Robbers project. Software used: Photoshop
A second robber I created for the Cops and Robbers project. Software used: Illustrator
Not a final piece but this was a robber idea that I had came up with. Software used: Photoshop
A friend of mine wanted a logo to showcase her work on social media for her photography work. This is the result that I had created for her. Software used: Illustrator
A marble texture that I had created for the lid on Pandora's Box. Software used: Photoshop
Wood texture I had created for my environment model in the Big bang Theory project. Software used: Photoshop
I was assigned the task of creating assets for a 2D game and this was one of the many assets that i had created. Software used: Photoshop
Digital Art

This folder is based on 2D work that I have created on Photoshop and Illustrator. You will see my demonstrations of concept art, illustrations and logos.

Freelance, Full-time
Ryan Astles
Student Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom