Greece location sign during Food and Wine Festival
Themed sign advertising nearby cooler
Sign for the Margaritas station
Promotional pop-up for the opening of the new ride, Darkoaster
Refreshments board.
Entry portal to Halloween maze, Inferno. Seen during operation.
Inferno portal daytime, before opening.
The cake was a team effort, I designed and made the sign on the cake.
Halloween event, I did the title piece and the vinyl on the spinning wheel
Park Cafe teaser menu
Three pieces of signage for the front of Tempesto
Standing sign for outdoor musical event
Outside bar sign
Pushcart ad
Musical duo showtimes board
Spirit tasting
Backlit sign for big event in the Festhaus.
Signs at Busch Gardens

Various signs I've designed and installed from around Busch Gardens.

Joseph B. B....
Graphic Designer Southington, CT