3D modeling - This is an example of my beginning knowledge of 3D modeling. Picture is taken within a virtue world called SecondLife. I used a program that is a beginner user friendly 3D modeling program called Tara which did not have instructions on how to make legs on the vase but yet I found a way to do it. I invented the technique. The Click pen is made by using the "Teapot technique" showed on their tutorial.
Tears of Love - Some might be copyrighted, meaning that I hold the copyright licence on it at the copyright office.
Sorry for the poor quality of the pictures but believe me I learn how to do this on my own free time.
Modern day Oriental - Some might be copyrighted, meaning that I hold the copyright licence on it at the copyright office.
Nacre mother of pearl necklace - Some might be copyrighted, meaning that I hold the copyright licence on it at the copyright office.
4 stud earring(C) - Some might be copyrighted, meaning that I hold the copyright licence on it at the copyright office. sorry about the fuzzy photo. took the photo a long time ago before GD school.
Secondlife tiny Fashion design - Not the cat! What the cat is wearing. I designed these fashion for secondlife.
the marker in the the cat's pocket is a sculptie too that I made within secondlife.
Secondlife tiny Fashion design - Not the cat! What the cat is wearing. I designed these fashion for secondlife. Picture taken within secondlife, Picture edited using paint.net. I didn't get photoshop till later on.
Secondlife tiny Fashion design - Not the cat! What the cat is wearing. I designed these fashion for secondlife. Modern style oriental themed wedding gown. Avatar by wynx whiplash.
Secondlife tiny Fashion design - Not the cat! What the cat is wearing. I designed these fashion for secondlife. Long sleve ball gown, photo edited and text added using photoshop
Secondlife fashion design - I have many other ones on secondlife and also in my sketch book
mother of pearl shoes - set of 3 shoes that I've designed for secondlife human avatars, sold pretty well too.
My own jewelry design - have an etsy account but be aware that the jewelry photo on here or over there is only 1/4 of my total amount of stuff that I've designed
My own jewelry design - have an etsy account but be aware that the jewelry photo on here or over there is only 1/4 of my total amount of stuff that I've designed
My own jewelry design - have an etsy account but be aware that the jewelry photo on here or over there is only 1/4 of my total amount of stuff that I've designed
My own jewelry design - have an etsy account but be aware that the jewelry photo on here or over there is only 1/4 of my total amount of stuff that I've designed