Illustrator stamp project - for my illustrations class, the Japanese bobtail is lightly feather to give the edges a smooth look. Trouble is the bottom font, where you see the breed name. Always had font issues. But pretty good at getting my ideas through.
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cut out image manipulations - this picture is for an photoshop assignment where we were teamed up to make one composit poster. This part of photo I did cut out a picture of me and manipulated it for the poster project.
part II of II picture - this is the poster where I put the cut out picture of me. I've done it for my image manipulation class; team project. The super girl one is me. Yes, I like superman and cats. Tis my nickname from my boss at the AI mailroom. well, when you can assemble 160 folders in two day work when I stick to it, no wonder he nickname me SuperGirl.
Image manipulations class - I didn't do this for any class but the time I done this was during my fifth quarter at the schoool. The painting is done by my sister who copied (as in repainted it) it from a book. I borrowed a camera from school and took a picture of it for my sister and the picture came out pitch black with no evident of a picture inside at all. so I adjusted the exposure and sharpened it a bit. Came out pretty good. But don't know if I did color balance on it though.
daddy - picture is illustrated from a photo. Yes, that's my dad and he's got that funny looking curve on top of his head, it is not a mistake.
Breast Cancer promotion poster v1 - Man! this thing took me seven hours to do in illustrator. The catapillar walking on a path represent the emotional trauma that a postive diagnosis has on an individual when diagonse ----->
Breast Cancer Awareness Promotional - ----> with breast cancer. They are on the path which is presented by the dots. Until they get to a point of finally recovering from the illness which is represented by the butterfly.
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fifth quarter
Betty Huang
Graphic Design Chicago, IL