This is one of the pages in the project that just displays pictures from travels around the world. At the time, the recent travels were in Japan and Thailand. The goal was not to create a picture dump, but just provide a few images for the family to view. The site was HTML and CSS. The site was not designed for mobile use, but there will be accommodations made for mobile when it is live.
This page on the site was created to not only show pictures of the kids, but provide information as well. It incorporated video media and photos, while using JavaScript to give options for selections and provide the information requested based on those selections.
1 - Family Album

This is a project created for CMST 388, Fundamentals of JavaScript, in November of 2015.
The goal was to create a site based upon HTML5 and JavaScript, ensuring that the site functioned on most common browsers. This was actually a "honey-do" project I had put off for a while. My wife wanted a way to share our experiences with grandparents, aunts, cousins that are scattered across the country. While this is pretty much a mock-up of the design, it's close to what she wanted in the the end. The project was designed using HTML5 and JavaScript with design elements in CSS.

Quentin Lucero
Aviaiton Resource Manager Clovis, NM