Irony - Class: Introduction to Graphic Design, Instructor: Shawna Shoaf. We were assigned to make a book full of the technical devices of a designer. This was my example of implied line. •Irony, 4.5”x8”, Digital Art, Spring 2009
Eyelash Curler - Class: Introduction to Graphic Design, Instructor: Shawna Shoaf. We had to take an shiny object and create a digital illustration using that object. •Eyelash Curler, 6”x6”, Digital Art, Spring 2009
barb g honey - Class: Introduction to Graphic Design II, Instructor: Maya Avina. We had to make a hang tag for a possible product using a classmate’s logo that they had previously made for themselves. •barb g honey, 3”x5.25”, Digital Art, Fall 2009
Cellar - Class: Introduction to Graphic Design II, Instructor: Maya Avina. We had to pick an interesting word and create a font to fit the idea/meaning of that word. •Cellar, 3.5”x7”, Digital Art, Fall 2009
Q Meyer - Class: Introduction to Graphic Design II, Instructor: Maya Avina. We had to create a logo that represents ourselves. •Q Meyer Logo, 6”x7.25” Digital Art, Fall 2009 We then had to apply that logo to a business card and letterhead (See next image).
Letterhead and Buisness Card...Application of logo - Application of my logo to letter head and business card.
fAveritte creations - Class: Introduction to Graphic Design II, Instructor: Maya Avina. We had to create an event ad for an occasion. The one I design I worked on was for an actual event for my friends’ jewelry line. • fAveritte creations, 8”x8”, Digital Art (two color), Fall 2009
fAveritte creations - Class: Introduction to Graphic Design II, Instructor: Maya Avina. We had to create an event ad for an occasion. The one I design I worked on was for an actual event for my friends’ jewelry line. •fAveritte creations, 8”x8”, Digital Art (three color job), Fall 2009 She liked this design so much she used the image for her business cards. (See next image)
fAveritte creations - Front of "fAverrite creations" business card
fAverrite creations - back of "fAverrite creations" business card.
Artist Corner Logo - Had to create a possibly logo for the Sangre de Cristo Art Center's High School Artist Corner (did you get all of that?) Had to work in black and white as well as color.
History Day T-Shirt - Had to create a posible t-shirt design for the History Day event for high school students that occurs at CSU Pueblo. Within each letter is a image of a invention that corresponds with the letter it is in.
Downtown Pueblo Partnership - Possible logo for the Downtown Pueblo Partnership. Had to design something to capture and attract people to downtown Pueblo.
WANTED! - Poster proposal to attract attention to the Heritage Center.
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Graphic Design
Jacque Meyer
I am a creator, a thinker; an innovator, and a... Pueblo, CO