Style Section Doodle - 12.04.08 - I am a doodler, always have been, and always probably will be. The open white section of the Washington Post Style section has always been one of my favorite canvases...
Style Section Doodle - 03.09.09 - I am a doodler, always have been, and always probably will be. The open white section of the Washington Post Style section has always been one of my favorite canvases...
Style Section Doodle - 08.03.09 - I am a doodler, always have been, and always probably will be. The open white section of the Washington Post Style section has always been one of my favorite canvases...
Style Section Doodle - 07.14.10 - I am a doodler, always have been, and always probably will be. The open white section of the Washington Post Style section has always been one of my favorite canvases...
Style Section Doodle - 01.25.11 - I am a doodler, always have been, and always probably will be. The open white section of the Washington Post Style section has always been one of my favorite canvases...
Style Section Doodle - 01.28.11 - I am a doodler, always have been, and always probably will be. The open white section of the Washington Post Style section has always been one of my favorite canvases...
Paul Moser
Visual Designer/UX Disciple Arlington, VA