shot of all the pieces cut free

Next I used a hot glue gun to attach all the pieces together, and i began mapping out with a marker where the next, more detailed, layers were going to go

With the help of my sister, I got to see how well it matched up to my size.

Next I began "roughing" out what the back plate and shoulders would be like.
All of this would basically be covered up by the detailed foam layers and paint, so I felt it was alright to me a little messy with this layer.

Then I began to start adding a second foam layer to what I had to bulk it up and give it a better shape.

Another shot of the next layer

Next a used a super thin foam called "Foamies", also very inexpensive and easy to come by. this helped a lot with the thin details like on the circle bits.

Next I began to weather it a bit. Usually I take it easy on the weathering on props and stuff, but I decided to really go at it on this suit since it was supposed to be very war torn.

Next up I coated it with a rubber spray called "plastidip" which you can find at home depot and other hardware stores. This helped seal the foams "pours" so it could take paint much easier.

After spending a few hours with various spray paints, acrylic paints, and inks I managed to get the colors in a place I was very satisfied with. If I had more time to complete the suit, I would have wired lights through the suit. But I had finished the paint job literally hours before the convention.
For the weathering it was various methods of burning the foam with the heat gun, skidding across the surface with a dremel, cutting at it with a box cutter, and digging chunks out for the gouge marks

A shot of the back

I handled he boots in the same fashion. Work out all of the sizing and designs and traced it out onto a foam sheet.

Here we can see the basic form of the boots

Several layers of foam and cutting and sanding, I coated it in platidip.

Here I started with the painting. Dry brush Hammered silver paint and added a bit of ink to settle in the cracks.
It was REALLY hard to bring myself to continue painting this because they looked so cool like this.

Here they are finished with all the paints and such applied.
I fashioned a cheap knock off croc in the bottom of the boot to fit comfortably, as well as a hinge in the ankle to move with my foot.

Here are all the pieces placed out. I dont have write ups for the leg guards, arms, or the belt because its the same process. The gun was bought and I take no credit for. However, Id love to make one for myself.

A photo taken by my friend of the final product

A photo with one of my friends. I didnt make her costume if you were wondering