Food mixer rendering. Created vector line drawing using Adobe Illustrator, then completing the image in Adobe Photoshop.
Hand rendering of a Hair-dryer using markers. Detailed drawing portraying the shadows and highlights within an image.
Sketch render of wrist watches using underlays. Left: Male watch. Right: Female watch.
Orthographic projection images, presentation renders. Coloured using markers.
Digital clock render, coloured using pastels.
Design Visualisation Techniques

To enhance competency in the communication of design proposals.

Exploring form and depth of an object and how this can be portrayed visually.

Developing visual presentation skills of design concepts and ideas using a range of techniques and media including hand rendering and computer based digital techniques.

Learning Objectives:
1. Identify, select and manipulate images using digital design software and apply basic rules of composition (Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator).

2. Construct accurate perspective views using measured perspective drawing techniques.

3. Illustrate a range of different materials using a number of mixed media drawing techniques.

4. Demonstrate the effects of the application of basic lighting conventions on a number of different 3-dimensional shapes.

5. Identify, select and apply an appropriate range of drawing and rendering techniques to create a full colour presentation rendering that accurately captures design intent.

Priya Mistry
MEng Graduate London, United Kingdom