A Level Final piece, oil on canvas. Based on the Greek mythology of Icarus. His wings are melting which has been created using drips of candle wax exemplifying the wax wings from the story.
GCSE Final piece composition, oil painting.
A Level Sketch piece of exam composition.
A Level Final exam piece. Oil painted under timed conditions.
A Level A study exploring African animals, painted using watercolours.
GCSE Watercolour study investigating the integration of human and animal features.
GCSE Final piece from exploring street art. Oil painted.
A Level This piece was carved from free hand using lino-cut techniques and screen printed onto coloured wax paper. The composition was created based on Dali's surrealism after investigating his work on ‘The Temptation of Saint Anthony’.
A Level This piece was carved from free hand using linocut techniques and then screen printed. Experimental differing background media was used.
A Level This composition combines the media, ink, chalk and watercolour paints. The piece is to replicate a sketch evolving into real-life 3D form, investigating perspectives and interpretations of images.
A Level This final piece on canvas shows in detail a fantasy creature evolving from 2D to 3D form. This was developed using Modroc, tissue paper and painted in oil.
A Level Wolf piece painted in oil using textured palette knife.
GCSE Masks project. Oil Painting
GCSE Oil painting with diamond shaped mirrors.
GCSE This composition was created from photographs taken as part of the barriers project. This involved taking photos in the correct environment, lighting and at the optimum angles.
GCSE Oil painting of a baby's eyes part of ‘Barriers’ project.
GCSE Oil painting for ‘Barriers’ project; exploring fear within people and physical barriers such as guard dogs and wolves.
A Level Charcoal study of lion, drawn by free hand.
A Level Charcoal image, based on Comic artists research.
A Level Photos taken part of the Comic themed project, incorporating themes in 1960s. Edited using Adobe Photoshop.
A Level Comic strip composition using marker pens and oil paint. Images are based on photographs taken for the project.
A Level Images carved using linocut techniques and screen printed in different colours.
GCSE Sketch-work development for masks project, exploring a range of textures and composition ideas.
GCSE Final mask design. Created using Modroc and oil painted. The scales and textures of the dragon were created using barbed wire and other marking equipment.
GCSE Final mask design.
A Level Free hand life drawing sketched using chalk.
GCSE Detailed pencil study.
GCSE Oil painted detailed studies.
GCSE Top and Centre Left: Oil painted exam piece completed under timed conditions. Top Right: Street art inspired piece. Oil painted. Centre Right: Pencil sketch of 'Barriers' project piece. Bottom Right: Oil painted exam piece completed under timed conditions. Bottom Left: Newspaper cuttings composition.
A Level & GCSE Fine Art

2008 - 2012
Fine Art Work.
A combination of GCSE and A Level work. This album contains a variation of development pieces and final art exam compositions. The compositions have been created by studying different artists and incorporating studies of objects and living things.
The media encompasses a diverse range of materials including; paintings, sketches, screen prints and 3D-forms.

Priya Mistry
MEng Graduate London, United Kingdom