FORSAKEN Logo. The official logo for my story. The font is entirely my own creation, and the eyes in the background belong to the story's primary antagonist.
Amqueela. The story's primary character, and its protagonist. Formerly a king of a race of god-like birds, until he was banished for mischievous doings involving cults and dark magic. His transformation into a wildcat came as a result of his trusting of an evil wizard. Throughout the story, he acts sort of as an anti-hero, as he aims to get his crown and his body back by any means necessary. Initially, he uses purely dark magic, but as a benefit of becoming a cat, he is able to learn multiple kinds of magic, a trait that was previously impossible as a bird.
Laurada the Benevolent Warrior. One of the story's important protagonist characters. The game's initial goal is to rescue her from the evil wizard's imprisonment, who happens to be her brother. Laurada is a master of light magic, opposite to her brother's dark magic. Not only is she a great magic user, but she's able to hold her own physically, too, using a style very similar to the Indian martial art known as "Kalaripayattu".
Dax. One of the story's important side characters. Formerly a captain in Amqueela's militia, but is now retired and living with his family. However, his family was killed off by a swarm of monsters created by the evil wizard, and Dax has been following the path of vengeance ever since. He is an expert at wind magic, and is one of the world's fastest flyers.
Bricriu the Drifter. One of the story's important side protagonists. He currently wanders through a forest of gold, looking for his former caretaker. In his youth, his caretaker, who was his village's puppet maker, was run out of town, on the rumor that he turned kids into puppets, after taking Bricriu in. As a result, Bricriu killed off the whole village, and ran into the forest after his caretaker. During his time in the forest, he slowly mastered poison magic, as a means of fending off the forest that he felt was slowly eating away at his mind.
The Forsaken King. One of the story's important protagonist characters, the Forsaken King was actually killed prior to the time of the story. He rules over the race of cats known simply as the "Forsaken", and has mastered lightning magic in honor of their guardian deity. He was deceived and murdered by a deceitful demoness fox, whose goal was to impregnate a Forsaken with a new offspring to save her dying species. Offset with rage, his spirit refuses to rest until justice has been served.
The Foul Priest. The story's main antagonist (or so you're led to believe...), and Laurada's brother. Alongside his sister, the Priest was taught to use magic in secret by his father. While Laurada showed potential in light magic, Priest took interest in dark magic. During a ritual gone bad, he opened himself up to possession by an archdemon named "Diabor", and he has been wreaking havoc since.
Alesedia, the Benevolent Sentinel of Light. She typically appears in her non-combative form, which resembles a doe. But she will adopt her alternate form should she feel threatened, which is seen here. Alesedia wields a mighty spear, dubbed "Albarosa", which can surpass the speed of light when thrown by this Sentinel.
Birthmother, the Benevolent Sentinel of Nature. Born a human at first, Birthmother was a naturally talented curator of plants and trees, consistently caring for her personal gardens. She was blessed with magical prowess and promoted to a Sentinel by the Higher God of Soul, Animus, after she prayed for the revival of her trees when a freak toxic storm eradicated them all. She is currently the curator of the Amber Forest, an enormous forest that glows a majestic golden amber.

Artwork featuring concepts and character art for my own original story, called "Forsaken". I plan to turn this into a comic, and then ultimately a video game after I go to college for Game Design.

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Nathaniel Scramling
Graphic Design Graduate at VMCAD Cleveland, OH