Model Photograph with Green Background
Model Photograph with Pink Background, these images are for Magazine cover ideas, final stages of background idea generation.
Research/Inspiration for my Vogue Paris Mock Up Cover, looking at existing and genuine Vogue Paris Covers, to get an Idea of layout, typography and images used.
Screenshot of my work process using Adobe InDesign CS6. Showing the layered files, Details, Colours and layout of the cover.
Final 3 Cover designs, different in background and Type colour. I found it very hard to decide on the 1 Final Design, but with help from others and lots of thinking and comparison, i was able to finally choose my final Vogue Paris Cover Design.
Final Design Madeleine for Vogue Paris.
Magazine Mockup, Cover and Spread; Madeleine.
Mockup. Inside Spread
Vogue Magazine Cover / Photo Manipulation

This project was to demonstrate Advanced Photo Manipulation of a person, using tools to edit and enhance the image similar to real life Magazine covers.
Also to show use of design and layout skills, along with Typography and colour.

Pria Crow
Graphic DesignStudent/Freelance Graphic Designer Melbourne, Australia