Drawn using Illustrator Logo Designed for www.classmatcher.com
Drawn using Photoshop Jersey designs created for our Ultimate Frisbee team
Drawn using Illustrator. Was learning how to use the gradient mesh tool. THIS WAS TRACED. Original Image: (http://images2.layoutsparks.com/1/242119/gravity-lessons-cartoon-character.jpg)
Drawn using Facebook Graffiti. All shading done by layering opacity, (limited features of the app). First attempt at fireworks.
Drawn using Facebook Graffiti. Third attempt. No outside images were used for this one.
Drawn using Facebook Graffiti. First time landscaping. Used http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/image/0710/aurora_kuenzli_big.jpg as reference (Not traced, just drew by keeping the image in a separate window).
Drawn using Facebook Graffiti. Second attempt landscaping. Done during breakfast within 1-2 hours. Used http://hd4desktop.com/images/b/1280x800_sunset-beach-palms-fantasy-artwork-space-planets-HD-Wallpaper.jpg as reference (Not traced, just drew by keeping the image in a separate window).
Drawn using Facebook Graffiti. Lugia Pokemon 'commissioned' by a friend. Used http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2010/289/5/a/lugia_by_darkignitus97-d30wty9.png (Not traced, just drew by keeping the image in a separate window).
Drawn using Facebook Graffiti. Arcanine Pokemon 'commissioned' by a friend. Used http://oyster.ignimgs.com/mediawiki/apis.ign.com/pokemon-blue-version/8/8e/Arcanine.gif (Not traced, just drew by keeping the image in a separate window).
Drawn using Facebook Graffiti. Kabutops Pokemon 'commissioned' by a friend. By far the most time consuming piece. Used http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/1/13536/1262976-2up2.jpg (Not traced, just drew by keeping the image in a separate window).
Drawn using Facebook Graffiti. Ditto Pokemon 'commissioned' by a friend. I also like cookies. Used http://oyster.ignimgs.com/mediawiki/apis.ign.com/pokemon-blue-version/d/dd/Ditto.gif (Not traced, just drew by keeping the image in a separate window).
Drawn using Facebook Graffiti. Kirby (NOT a Pokemon) 'commissioned' by a friend. Used http://wikicheats.gametrailers.com/images/e/e6/Super_Smash_Bros_Kirby_01.jpg (Not traced, just drew by keeping the image in a separate window).
Drawn using Facebook Graffiti. Watchmen smiley face :) Used http://screencrave.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/watchmen-smileyface09-2-25.jpg (Not traced, just drew by keeping the image in a separate window).
Drawn using Facebook Graffiti. Disney Castle. Inspired by our high school senior trip. Used http://www.hdwallpaperspics.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/DisneylandCastle.bmp (Not traced, just drew by keeping the image in a separate window).
High School Artwork

Most of my computer graphic artwork during my high school years.

The Facebook Graffiti application was worse than ms paint. The app only had a small color palette and the ability to modify opacity. The only reason I ever bothered to use it was to share my artwork with friends and have "art battles".

Prashanth Sankaran
Student New Brunswick, NJ