FIORA CAVAZZA September 4, 2016 Fiora Cavazza, the Courtesan avatar of the Animus Training Program 1.0 from Assassin's Creed Brotherhood in Chibi Form. Pencil and Ink on A5. Rendered and edited in Manga Studio using Intuos Tablet. Tumblr: Deviantart: Fiora Cavazza (c) Ubisoft
CHIBI TEMPLARS "May the Father of Understanding guide us all." Some Templar Grand Masters of the Assassin's Creed games. Shay has to be here too for being the first Templar to have his own main game. I also added Elise because she fought other more evil Templars with Arno. Shay Cormac (Lowest Middle) Haytham Kenway (Lowest Left) Elise De La Sarre (Lowest Right) Francois-Thomas Germain (3rd Row Right) Crawford Starrick (3rd Row Center) Laureano De Torres (3rd Row Left) Cesare Borgia (2nd Row Left) Rodrigo Borgia (2nd Row Right) Robert De Sable (Top) I put Shay, Haytham, and Elise in the front because they are not the evil Templars. Hehe Deviantart: Pencil and Ink on A4 CAnson Sketchpad Paper. Colored and edited in Manga Studio with Intuos Tablet. Characters (c) Ubisoft
CHIBI ASSASSINS "Nothing is true. Everything is permitted." The Assassins of the main games of the Assassin's Creed series. Pencil and Ink on A4 Canson Sketchpad Paper. Colored and edited in Manga Studio with Intuos Tablet. Altair - The Mentor of Mentors Ezio - The Chosen Prophet Connor - The Native of Freedom Edward - The Pirate Arno - The Vindicator Evie and Jacob - The Twins of Liberation Deviantart: Tumblr: Characters (c) Ubisoft
ALTAIR IBN-La' AHAD "He built us up, then set us free." - Ezio to Sofia about the legacy of the great Levantine Assassin Altair Ibn La-Ahad. Altair Ibn La-Ahad (c) Ubisoft Deviantart: Tumblr:
Fan Art - Assassin's Creed

Fan art based on material from the Assassin's Creed video game franchise by Ubisoft.

Alfonse Rulloda
Student Marikina, Philippines