f-16 animation snapshots
Daywise Promo AAG tv - Animation frames.
Electronic-ID-AAG tv - Animation frames.
FREEDOM BOOTH - show packaging - Freedom booth is a filler on AAG tv, where youngsters are given chance to exhale out whatever is in their mind. Design were made so convey a rough casual feel , elements were used which portrays rebellious energy.
SKY ID AAG tv - Animation frames.
Valentine Promo - Animation frames.
AAG tv ID - Animation frames.
Ufone - Tech Talk ( show packaging )
TVC-Motorola-Azad Films
Water ID - Aag tv
Mobile Slot - Aag tv
Aagtionary - Aag Tv
The OFF show
AAG GLOBAL - Aag tv Launching ID
CITYBANK- Goldcard
BISCONI - This commercial was done at Sharpimage.Art direction, All the backgrounds matte paintings of environments , folliage, character textures was done.
Animation frames.
Daywise Promo
DESI BOL - 3d / 2d cartoonic stylistic animation - Animation was done for a Tv slot packaging .Main character was used is Rickshaw, in caricature style, who animation was done with expressions as a character.
Sharpimage Intro 10th year celebration
AAG SMS - Aag tv
AAG 10 - Title of a show, wanted to have painterly strokes with youth emotions / activities, have also tried to incorporate single linerar youth lingo's in the design.
AAG TV - Timing Template - Snapshots from the timing template, made for AAG tv, shown in a 3d environment.
SHELL - Car Parts Offer - Done at sharp image, was for SHELL.
BOXER - league- Show title - Title done for BOXER league. BOXER promo won the second prize in PROMAX’s Muse and BDA’s Isis awards and got the SILVER AWARD ( second prize). You can check the nominations at http://emea.promax.tv/emea/p2a_awards.html and it will be at p6 category.
BOXER- league- show title - Title done for BOXER league. BOXER promo won the second prize in PROMAX’s Muse and BDA’s Isis awards and got the SILVER AWARD ( second prize). You can check the nominations at http://emea.promax.tv/emea/p2a_awards.html and it will be at p6 category.
BOXER league- VS template - Animation of the VS template.
BOXER - NEXT IN LINE - By using same theme of boxer campaign, this is the animaiton for the fight to come next.
Faisal Shaukat
Faisal Shaukat Singapore, Singapore