Space Shuttle Gallery - Concept rendering done for a potential exhibit featuring the space shuttle at the Museum of Flight in Seattle
Museum of Flight - Space Gallery 2012
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Exhibit design concept sketch - Preliminary exhibit layout done in SketchUp
Furniture for Airmail Exhibit - Furniture designs for for an exhibit about airmail for the Museum of Flight. More information about the actual exhibit can be found here:
Furniture for Airmail Exhibit - Furniture designs for for an exhibit about airmail for the Museum of Flight. More information about the actual can be found here:
Furniture for Airmail Exhibit - Structure designed for an exhibit about airmail for the Museum of Flight. The radio shack house artifacts related to early radio operations. The tower on the top of the shack is a functioning vintage light beacon from the 1930's. More information about the actual can be found here:
Airmail Exhibit furniture - Structure designed for an exhibit about airmail for the Museum of Flight. The radio shack house artifacts related to early radio operations. The tower on the top of the shack is a functioning vintage light beacon from the 1930's. More information about the actual can be found here:
Chasing Horizons - Exhibit -
Chasing Horizons Exhibit - Pancho Barnes
Chasing Horizons Exhibit - Patty Wagstaff - This section of the exhibit features videos of famed aviator Patty Wagstaff as well as artifacts she loaned to the museum for display in the exhibit.
AE design iteration/ rendered in Modo - Rendering of one of the unused design iterations for the Amelia Earhart exhibit
Amelia Earhart Exhibit - A section from the exhibit "In Search of Amelia Earhart"
Air Traffic Control Exhibit - Part of an exhibit designed for the Museum of Flight about air traffic control:
Airport Kiosk - This is a design for an interactive kiosk that makes use of a discarded jet engine cowling.
Fire Fighter Exhibit - Fire Fighter Exhibit for an upcoming children's museum in St. Petersburg, Russia. Designed and rendered with SketchUp.
Fire Fighter Exhibit. - Fire Fighter Exhibit for an upcoming children's museum in St. Petersburg, Russia. Rendered in Modo.
House Construction Exhibit - A "kids-sized" house that will illustrate the inner workings of how a house is built. Designed and rendered in SketchUp.
House Construction Exhibit - A "kids-sized" house that will illustrate the inner workings of how a house is built. Rendered in Modo.
Race Car Game - An interactive game to illustrate concepts of physics for NRG! Exhibits. Designed and modeled in SketchUp. Rendered in Modo.
Newton's Cradle physics interactive for NRG! exhibits. - Modeled in SketchUp. Rendered in Modo.
Le Corbusier LC4 - Le Corbusier LC4 modeled and rendered in Modo.
Around the World 1924 - Rendering done for the Seattle World Cruiser project:
Douglas World Cruiser - Preliminary rendering of a 1924 Douglas World Cruiser
Xmas Delivery 1924 - A project just for fun to try and replicate the look of a classic Rankin/Bass production
Concept Design - "Just visiting" A spaceship I designed, modeled and rendered in modo
"'second star to the right, and straight on till morning.'"
Vito the penguin - Personal project with Modo to experiment with character design and animation.
Sea Life - Underwater environment modeled and rendered in modo
Cold War Map - This is the last map in a series of timeline maps developed for the Museum of Flight's WWII gallery. This map shows and discusses how national and idealogical boundaries changed at wars end.
1944-45 timeline Map - One in a series of maps developed for the Museum of Flight's WWII gallery to illustrate the locations of key events during WWII. Part of the fun and challenge of this project was to edit down the list of events for each year into something that was not overwhelming and cluttered while also maintaining a period look. I tried to maintain an art-deco asthetic that was inspired by newpaper banners of the 30's and 40's as well as incorporating the uniform colors of the German desert army of WWII.
Trade show exhibit - Rendering done for a tradeshow in SketchUp
RC Racing Boats - More doodling with designs in Modo for fun
Photo-Restoration - This is an example of one of the more challenging restoration projects I've done.
Freelance, Moonlighting
Pj Muller
Exhibit Design and Consulting Yonkers, NY