System diagram for the GUILED software.
Demux diagram for controlling multiple vertically concatenated LED modules.
Signal processing workflow for protocol analyzer.
Result of protocol analyzer in practice. Conclusion: The KL25Z does not have enough SRAM for protocol analysis!
System overview for SPI communication between multiple KL25z's. Payload structure below, for reference.
Prototype hardware: One LED module is connected to a single KL25Z, powered off.
Prototype setup powered on.
GUILED Modular LED Matrix Project

The GUILED Modular LED Matrix was my final project for Introduction to Embedded Systems at U.C. Berkeley (EE C249A). Our team sought to create a robust, scalable, and easy to use platform that could be used to draw and display images on independent 16x16 RGB LED modules. These modules could then be connected together seamlessly to increase drawing space and display larger images.

We created a GUI using processing for java, and controlled the LED modules using KL25Z micro controller boards. To display images and horizontally concatenate modules, our team used a combination of demultiplexing and SPI communication between two KL25Z's.

Our team also followed a model based approach and included both a dynamic feasibility analyzer and protocol analyzer in our software. These analysis tools allowed the user to determine if his/her electrical setup was inadequate for a given set of 16x16 modules and desired display image.

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Phillip Azar
EECS Graduate Student at U.C. Berkeley Dublin, CA