Squid Bombing

I wanted to get over the fear of displaying work, so in an effort to combat that anxiety, I started to make drawings of sea creatures that I left in random places throughout the city. I thought to myself "why shouldn't I shape my surroundings? and wouldn't it be interesting to incorporate non-sensical imagery into people's interactions with traditional urban space?". The more images I put up I found that more and more the general public was inquisitive and approached me whilst I worked.
My family and friends engaged in the process as well. We'd create "squid bomb" drawings together and go on rambling walks through foreign neighborhoods, looking for the perfect urban habitats to leave said creations. One of my family members, who is quite the world traveller, asked me to create small drawings that she could take with her on her travels. To my surprise she'd send me images of my squids in far off lands such as Turkey, Greece, and the United Kingdom.