Carrierspic - It carriers picture is little conventional, because this is inclined, to put in a writing-desk or pulls at night. This was inspired by pop art and the elements used by the spaces of "Caja de Madera, Centro de Convenciones. Medellin".
Pipelons Pic Carrier - It carriers picture is little conventional, because this is inclined, to put in a writing-desk or pulls at night table. This was inspired by pop art and the elements used by the spaces of "Caja de Madera, Centro de Convenciones. Medellin".
Bloat Meplalra - It is a simple design modulating an existing object. in this case, bottles of wine. This is an floor lamp.
Bloat MeplalraI nstuctions Manual - Graphic piece for users guide.
Pipelons By afso "Denim Cult" - The Futuere plans of him ... have the own wear store and latter sale too the furniturne line and other accesories.