Versè Hotel Versè Hotel from Piero Caterino Versè Hotel Versè Hotel - Concept Design and Corporate Indentity of a vegetarian hotel in Milano Verse Hotel - SPA - Concept Design and Corporate Indentity of a vegetarian hotel in Milano Versè Hotel - Interios of the Hotel SPA Versè Hotel - Interios of the Hotel SPA Versè Hotel - Interios of the Hotel SPA Verse - Concept Store - Concept Design and Corporate Indentity of a vegetarian hotel in Milano Versè Hotel - interior of the hotel Concept Store Versè Hotel - interior of the hotel Concept Store Verse - Concept Store - Concept Design and Corporate Indentity of a vegetarian hotel in Milano Verse - Beauty products Verse - Store shopper Verse - Cafe - Concept Design and Corporate Indentity of a vegetarian hotel in Milano Verse - Cafe Verse - Cafe Verse - Bistro - Concept Design and Corporate Indentity of a vegetarian hotel in Milano Verse - Bistro Verse - Bistro Verse Hotel Verse Hotel Verse Hotel Versè Beauty Verse - Market - Concept Design and Corporate Indentity of a vegetarian hotel in Milano Verse - Market gLike Versè Hotel Interior Design Share R 7 n Piero Caterino Designer mexico city - milan, Mexico Follow Contact