Yahoo Personals - A billboard style advertisement for Yahoo Personals
DirecTV Sat-Go - Newspaper print advertisement for DirecTV.
Nissan Cube Campaign - Print Advertisement for the Nissan Cube Campaign. Interactive advertisement where the hatchback can be opened to reveal the inside and will start playing a short music clip
Nissan Cube Campaign - Web layout to the Nissan Cube Campaign. Keeps theme with the Portable Sound Device tag line. Would have the MP(cube) player, downloadable widgets, and other interactive pieces.
Nissan Cube Campaign - Guerilla part to the Nissan Cube Campaign. Have miniature MP(cube)s around town that would entice the public and spark an interest in the general public about this new car.
Doritos: Maritos - Print Advertisement for Doritos: Maritos.
Budweiser - Promotional print advertisement for Budweiser.
First 48 - Series of advertisements in a magazine for the A&E show, First 48 Collaboration project.
First 48 - Series of advertisements in a magazine for the A&E show, First 48 Collaboration project.
advertisement design
Paulina Zymon
Advertising Design Chicago, IL