These images are a random selection taken from my stock library, giving an idea of the kind of phots I have available.
Comma Butterfly
Shoal of Blue Tang - This 'shoal' was created in photoshop from 3 individual images.
Worthing Pier at Dusk - Snatch shot just in time to capture afterglow in sky.
Derwentwater Sunset - This was another grab)shot I was driving down a hill and saw this view. I left the car on the side of the road, and just had time to snatch a couple of shots.
Erithacus rubecula - This Robin came close enough to get this shot with a 200mm lens.
Joys of Childhood - This illustrates the above
Horseman of Death
These images are a random selection taken from my stock library, giving an idea of the kind of phots I have available.