Fiber Glass Tray with One Hand Handle
Tray in Use
Tray in Use
Development Work for Handle
Handle Development Work - Design Ideas for the shape of the handle.
It was discovered that that handle could hold a load without having a bottom lip supporting this base. This allowed the handle to be easy to remove.
Making of Tray - I created a mould and then used fiber glass to produce the tray.
Creating Tray - Pictures show the tray being made out of fiber glass and the cutting of the excess.
A-Level Project

For my a-level project I decided to further my AS-Level Project and this resulted in further refinement of my prototype and resulted in a fiber glass tray being produced. If produced in industry two-part injection moulding would be used. this would allow for non-slip grips to be added.

Phoebe Knight
Salisbury, United Kingdom