AOL.COM - AOL.COM concept design.
AOL 9.0 Optimized - As lead designer for the AOL Product Design Group of Studio AOL. I created the AOL 9.0 Optimized product look+feel as well as the branding identity (logo) as well as the desktop icons (.ico) optimized for various Windows OS (95-98, 2K, XP). I was part of team that insures product integrity and designed / implemented the new AOL 9.0 Optimized product that serves 26 million members. The product enhancements covers various usablility upgrades as well as the new look and feel of AOL.
AOL Music Player - AOL Music Player concept design.
AOL Music Player - AOL Music Player concept design.
Zianni International Studio - Concept mood board for Zianni International Studio web site initiative. This concept was chosen to go forward as the target experience. The concept strives for motion, spice and grace.
Bliss - Flyer Design
LandRover Discovery Kiosk Design - Motion graphic kiosk design concept for the LandRover Discovery marketing campaign: "Everyone Wants In." - User Interface and Design Direction.
AOL Iconongraphy Development - Lead Art Director for iconography development for the upcoming release of AOL suite of products. Iconongrapher: Dino Paxenos
K Street Lounge Flyer - Flyer design.
Toka Cafe - User Interface and Design.
Jet Evolutions Print Ad - Print ad design.
Bliss Flyer
Holloween Flyer for Bliss
Rich Webb Flyer for Bliss
Gucci Party
Discovery Channel Interactive Design
Discovery Channel Interactive Design
Discovery Channel Interactive Design
Discovery Channel Interactive Design
Discovery Channel Interactive Design
Discovery Channel Interactive Design
Discovery Channel Interactive Design
- Perphic.Com
Creative Visionary Washington, DC