Title Screen, buttons still need to be added. Photo source textures, paper effect was done with the help of a tutorial. All other details in the image were hand painted in Photoshop.
Concept for main hero "Bulletin Boy." Photo source paper texture with a layer mask to give off ripped paper effect.
Concept for main hero's doodle girlfriend "Bulletin Girl". Photo source paper texture with a layer mask to give off ripped paper effect.
Bulletin Boy

Bulletin Boy a side scrolling 2D platformer, takes place in Miss Lippi’s 2nd grade classroom. This is no ordinary classroom. For this class has an exceptionally large bulletin board. This cork bulletin board has been littered with an array of doodles and notes made by the children of the classroom. The player character, Bulletin Boy, was once on the same sheet of paper as his doodle girlfriend. Unfortunately, there was a rip in the paper and eventually Bulletin Boy was completely torn from the doodle.
He fell all the way to the floor. Alone for the first time, things became very dismal for Bulletin Boy. Looking up towards the top of the board, he knew what he had to do. Through perilous walking erasers to cannon shooting enemies, Bulletin Boy would make his way back to the top, and back to his Bulletin Girl.
Team Members:
Riley Adkinson
Dan Brunner
Matt McKimson
Tom Coyle
Quinn Petersen
Brady Sinclair
Cuauhtemoc Perez
James Hubbard