A Day in My Life - A recording of a day in my life. All information was then set into a time line and each moment in time corresponds to a location on the map. Sometimes so many things happened in on spot that a blow-up of the map was necessary. each moment in time also has a detailed description as well as media to go with the specific event.
The Rundown on Run Lola, Run - This was a breakdown of the German film "Run Lola, Run". I built a mini map key showing where you are on the big map. Filters were made to break down the differnet image media the film was shot in & spiritual moments. When one clicks a filter all scenes that don't apply fade out & all that ones that do can be seen on the map key highlighted in yellow. If you click on a scene, you will go to a comparative screen where all related scenes will show up in a map with a description.
Tending The Toilet - A how to do program. This piece breaks down the process of cleaning a toilet and dealing with other basic maintenance. This works on a timeline idea where there is a main time light on the order for cleaning and each part also has a time line explaining the process of cleaning the part.
Esta Carnahan dot com - A web site for sculpture Esta Carnahan. It was important that the design emulate her body of work and be easy to use. You Can check out this work in progress at estacarnahan.com
Freelance, Full-time
Paul Weiner
Graphic Designer Weymouth, MA