Hortifruti Ready Salad

To create a innovative brand touchpoint to Hortifruti, a Brazilian fresh fruits and vegetables retail market chain.
A recyclable salad package that adds value to brand, generates new income, and grabs new consumers.

Recently, healthy and organic food have gained rising attention to consumers. However, eating healthy outside home is still a struglle: you find mainly oily, fatty and greasy food.

Ready Salad communicates directly its purpose: eating healthy can be an instant and appealing act. It comes with its fork and knife injected in the same mould. These utensils with superior quality are taken smoothly from tha main dish. Around 100.000 units were sold in the first three months.

This project won silver at the Cannes Lions 2008 in the category Design.

Company: Indústria Nacional Design & Dialogo Design

Paulo Ferreira
Product Designer Rio de Janeiro, Brazil