Fictional Portraits 2002 - 2003 - A series of 50 digitally composited passport photos
FP 20 26.11.02 - Composited Passport Photograph [ scaled & digitally enhanced ] 44.5 x 45 cm
FP 35 24.05.03 - Composited Passport Photograph [ scaled & digitally enhanced ] 44.5 x 45 cm
FP 37 25.05.03 - Composited Passport Photograph [ scaled & digitally enhanced ] 44.5 x 45 cm
Approximate Self Portraits - Taking a literal description of my appearance and exploring the photographic variations that are possible thus contrasting the ambiguity of language with the specificity of photography.
Fictional Portraits
Paul Maye
Graphic Designer / Artworker Galway, Ireland