Advanced Rendering and Perspectives Class June '10 - These are all hand drawn and hand rendered. We were given a coffee shop floor plan. Our assignment was to come up with a company and concept. I decided on The Kopi Lu Coffee Shoppe, a contemporary and earthy design.
Advanced Rendering and Perspectives Class June '10 - We were given a coffee shop floor plan. Our assignment was to come up with a company and concept. I decided on The Kopi Lu Coffee Shoppe, a contemporary earthy design. Drawn on velum, rendered with Prismacolor markers and colored pencils.
Renderings - Done for a commercial design class. The project was an advertising agency. Drawn and rendered on Velum with Prismacolor markers and pencils.
Renderings - This sushi bar was a small rendering assignment in my Advanced Rendering and Perspectives class. This is a copy on mylar that we were given to practice rendering. Rendered with Prismacolor markers and colored pencils.
Renderings - This was another small assignment in my Advanced Rendering and Perspectives class. We were told to trace a picture out of our book and render specific parts of it. Traced on Mylar and rendered with Prismacolor markers and white gouache.
First Rendered Perspective
Renderings and Color Boards

These are all hand rendered sketches I created while in school. I used Prismacolor pencils and markers. In some of the photographs there are also color boards which include real fabric swatches, paint chips and/or wall coverings.

Paula Tom
Adjunct Instructor at Baker College Novi, MI