Standard Deviation Calculation This is a function used to obtain the standard deviation of a list of numbers inputted by the user. This and many other codes of mine were used by several of my classmates to analyze their data while writing lab reports. It displays my ability to applied classroom knowledge (programming) into other situations.
Object Oriented Programming This is a simulation of an RNA molecule. It is a small component of an elaborate simulation of many biological macro molecules and cellular organelles. Each component is written as its own separate class. Every part must work cohesively together for the overall simulation to work. Knowledge in classes, super classes, instances and other object oriented programming related topics were required in this project.
Out of the Box Thinking During this project we were tasked with hitting a target with a cannon. The distance between the target and the cannon was unknown. However, each time the cannon is fired, an on screen prompt will tell the users how much they missed the target by. The users must aim the cannon every time by adjusting its angle. The expected method of aiming was to hard code the angle changes. As a result, almost every other group had excessive lines of aiming code. I on the other hand decided to create an auto aiming function based on the binary search algorithm. I was able to aim the cannon with a fraction of the code other people had. Also, My function will work for any target. This displays my ability to think outside of the box, because we were not taught binary search algorithm at the time. Only after we learned it class did I realize I had used it in this project.
Dictionaries, Lists, Tupples This function displays my ability to manipulate data structures in objective oriented programming. I had to obtain data stored as a list of tupples and organize it into a dictionary.
Engineering - Python Programming

A collection of code snippets displaying my knowledge in object oriented programming.