Graphs - During this project I had to simulate the propagation of a disease in side a population. The population is modeled by a graph, which has an array of all the people as well as an adjacency matrix. This function, propagate_once simulates 1 time step in the disease propagation process (in which people who are connected to infected individuals have a chance of being infected). This function displays my knowledge in arrays, as well as my ability to perform operations on graphs.
Traversing Linked List: During this assignment we were tasked with modelling a subway transit system. The system will hold multiple trains, each with an unique integer id. It is required that no two train have the same id, so when a new train is created, we must check if this id has already been taken by another train. This required us to traverse through a linked list of trains and check the id attribute for each of them. The function contains_train_id demonstrates my knowledge in linked lists and loops in C programming.
Binary Tree & Recursion - In this function I had to traverse through a binary tree of structures. Each structure contains an integer value called pid. The function has to return the largest pid in the entire tree. I used a recursive call to traverse