Behold, Infinity - Cover of Omnivistascope 4 - My homage (or rip-off - decide for yourself) to Moebius and Jack Kirby, mainly. Pen, acrylic inks and Photoshop jiggery-pokery. Concept by Paul Scott.
Cover of Omnivistascope #6 - Acrylic inks, acrylic paint, Photoshop jiggery-pokery.
Time To Kill - page 1 - Page 1 of Time To Kill from Omnivistascope #4, written by Paul Scott. For more information, go to
Time To Kill - page 2 - Page 2 of Time To Kill from Omnivistascope #4, written by Paul Scott. For more information, go to
Time To Kill - page 3 - Page 3 of Time To Kill from Omnivistascope #4, written by Paul Scott. For more information, go to
Time To Kill - page 4 - Page 4 of Time To Kill from Omnivistascope #4, written by Paul Scott. For more information, go to
Time To Kill - page 5 - Page 5 of Time To Kill from Omnivistascope #4, written by Paul Scott. For more information, go to
Time To Kill - page 6 - Page 6 of Time To Kill from Omnivistascope #4, written by Paul Scott. For more information, go to
Time To Kill - page 7 - Page 7 of Time To Kill from Omnivistascope #4, written by Paul Scott. For more information, go to
Time To Kill - page 8 - Page 8 of Time To Kill from Omnivistascope #4, written by Paul Scott. For more information, go to
Illustration for article on The Prisoner, Omnivistascope #6
Illustration for article on Orson Welles' radio broadcast of The War of the Worlds
Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Paul McCaffrey
Illustrator Burton Upon Trent, United Kingdom