Trion - Teamproject with Tobias Weiland
"Trion" is a remote controlled unit for use by fire brigades or disaster control. It can assist or even substitute its user under extremely dangerous conditions.

Jack in the Box - “Jack in the Box” is a ladder for urban nomads. Designed as a temporary structure, it combines the advantages of furniture and tools.
For easy transport, Jack is stored in a box. The walls of the box can be combined with the ladder, forming various pieces of temporary furniture.

Motorcycle Audio - The Integrated motorcycle audio was an idea which came up during the group project “OFX Motorcycle”. No matter where you cruise, always bring your own soundsystem. Two speakers are situated above the fuel tank. When the motorcycle is parked the speakers can be removed. Driving charges them. The instrument panel serves as an mp3 player and shares a wireless connection with the speakers.