Brainstorming & Sketchbook Brainstorming & Sketchbook from Patricia Ann Lewis-MacDougall Brainstorming & Sketchbook Found Refuge - Result from a 'Sky Dive' Brain Storming Session. Result from a Brain Storm Session. Caught! - Result from a Brain Storm Session on the Haab and Abe Comic Book. Geri & Barb Go Skating - A sketch scenario of two good friends of mine. Character Design Work Concepts for 'Sky Dive' - Sketchbook concepts for my graphic novel/story board "Sky Dive." Concepts for 'Sky Dive' - Sketchbook concepts for my graphic novel/story board "Sky Dive." Concepts for 'Sky Dive' - Sketchbook concepts for my graphic novel/story board "Sky Dive." Creature Sketch Ignacious Bird Sketch - An idea on a bird character for a personal story. Knot in my Nose! Character Design - Design ideas for a children's book. Brainstorming Sketches - Brainstorming pages for a story building session. *copyright: P.A. Lewis/Underhill Studio. 2005. More sketches from "A Knot in my Nose!" - Doodles of the main character design for a children's book. Pegasus - -from my sketchbook Yosra's Elephant - A drawing for a friend of mine who lives in Sudan. gLike Brainstorming & Sketchbook Illustrator Illustration Share R 7 n Available Patricia Ann Lewis-MacDougall Freelance Visual StoryTeller and Designer Hamilton, Canada Follow Contact