Arjun 1 - To win draupadi's hand in marriage arjun had to shoot a fish in the eye to prove his skill as an archer. The sides of the fish(bows) form the shape, while the fishtail is formed by the arrow end.
Arjun's bow and arrow
Arjun 2 - Arjun proved his dedication and determination towards his archery by following guru Dronacharya's instructions and keeping his focus solely on the eye of the Parrot. The bow again, helps form the streamlined body of the parrot, while the arrow end forms its tail and the arrow head forms its beak.
duryodhan - Although he was highly skilled with the mace, Duryodhan repeatedly made the mistake of brawn over brains.
Draupadi - Draupadi was one of the main reasons for the battle of Kurukshetra. This graphic is an amalgamation of all the initial hand drawings to form a print for the saree.
Shakuni - Chaupar, the game shakuni used to extract revenge and destroy two families and humiliate draupadi.
Shakuni - The chaupar. As the panels are joined the spaces in between the 3 chaupars (in decreasing size orders) form the various faces of the die (1,2,3,4,5,6)
Arjun - The parrot eye and the fish eye shot by arjun. The graphic was made for a trouser.
Duryodhan - The maces. This graphic was made for a sleeve.
Krishna - This graphic was made for a cape.
Arjun - The Arjun trouser
Arjun - Surface Design for the armour for Arjun.
Shakuni - The Anarkali with Printed panels
Shakuni - Surface Design for the belt over the anarkali with chaupar design.
Duryodhan - The sleeve with the printed mace graphic
Duryodhan - Surface design for the shrug for duryodhan
Krishna - Surface design on the front of the cape for Krishna
Draupadi - saree
Graduation Project- Mahabharata