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Dabur Vatika Excuse Me Knot

We make excuse now and then at office, home or with friends when we have to go to this boring party you want to avoid. We say excuse me and slip away.
But making excuses that are hair related? NOPE! no more! Because for every excuse failed, there is Dabur Vatika Shampoo.

Taking the analogy of Rapunzel with her long braid sitting in a fantasy tower, we’ve created a campaign that features a healthy, long, thick and beautiful braid. The viewer lands at the end of the plait where the excuse context is set and the Vatika connect is brought in. With every scroll up, the viewer is asked to interact - give up an excuse, tag a friend, share, etc., and the plait automatically unties itself with the completion of the action.
Technology: reverse parallax

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Freelance, Moonlighting
Parul Chaturvedi
Artist India