Vellance IT

Horn not ok please - Logo design for 'QUIET INDIA MOVEMENT'.

WOW Logistics - The client wanted a logo which screams WOW.
They had a punch line 'our name says it all' and they wanted that to be included.
But I believe a design should speak more than the words.Hence I placed an exclamation mark to communicate WOW symbolically.

BLACK TIE Exchange - The client wanted a logo which would support his existing KINGS logo.
To match his criteria I kept the colors minimal and high-class like.
The letter K is giving out an intresting negitive contour of a tie that keeps the design simple and communicative.

Animal Care

PSO Photo - The idea of the organization was photography for fund-raising for the schools.
The client wanted a colorful and playful logo.

LONDON OLYMPICS 2012 - The present London olympic '2012' logo has been under a lot of critisicm for many reasons.
Hence I thought of designing a new logo on the basis of the design brief given by the London Olympic Committee.
This logo shows:
The brand '2012'
Sports essence is present(running athelete)
It is Universal
Energetic & challenging


Rajiv Gandhi Zoological Park, Pune - The 1st logo option given to the Pune zoo after an extensive research.

Pune Zoological park - The 2nd option,approved.