Sepekan Arsitektur Atma Jaya 2015 - Rumah Belajar Anak

Sepekan Arsitektur Atma Jaya 2015 - Rumah Belajar Anak

In this project, we create a learning facility for not-well educated child in Tambak Lorok. Because there is no free space in Tambak Lorok, we create a space under highway.

The design inspired from soko guru with philoshophy "menyangga". In this learning facility, the soko guru "menyangga" their learning activity

Status : competition entry

Jury :
Prof. Totok Roesmanto, M. Eng.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Josef Prijotomo, M. Arch
Ir. F. Christian J. Sinar Tanudjaja, MSA

In collaboration:
Ismail Hanaping
Rif'an Achmad

Pandu Pujo Wicaksono
Architecture Graduate Semarang, Indonesia