Poster for Vote - This is a poster has been done in JWT ( J. Walter Thompson) for the client CII(Confederation of Indian Industry). This was original concept created by me. I've shown a hand, which represents one vote and in the shadow, it represents that every one vote is precious.
Cover of a brochure - This was a brochure designed in JWT ( J. Walter Thonpson) for the client CII ( Confedration of Indian Industry) an Agriculture Conference to be held by CII for that they wanted a brochure. They had given the specification to show the pictures on the cover page so i had made the collage and made a brochure
Invite from the Spice Telecome - This is an Invite designed at JWT( J. Walter Thompson). Client was Spice Telecom. A play had to be held, where Spice Telecom was the Sponser. Keeping a Horror Show in mind, I ve designed this invite.
Design for a magazine - This work was done at Chandigarh. This was a Magazine design for an article called Cirque du Soleil.
A newspaper ad for the client Spice Telecom - This ad was designed at JWT ( J. Walter Thompson). The client was Spice Telecom